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Showing posts from May, 2022

Richo Reviews: Manhunt, Gretchen Felker-Martin (2022, Nightfire)

"What we're doing to them... It's the same shit men did to us before" "They are men" "No. They're not, and I think you know it" I know, as a cis man, I'm not exactly the person that Manhunt  is for. Still, I want to get my thoughts on it out here because, well, I have a lot of them, and I've also seen the brigading this book has faced from people who haven't read it and I want to add a voice to the chorus of people talking about how incredible it is. Gretchen-Felker Martin's Manhunt  was one of my most anticipated reads in recent times and my only regret is that I didn't get to it sooner. Let's set the stage: in the near future, a virus nicknamed 't-rex' (and not, as I frequently had to remind myself, 'the t-virus') has ripped across the world, turning anyone with a sufficient level of testosterone into a slavering monster. Trans women, like our heroines Beth and Fran, are able to survive this post-apocal...